Goal Setting 101

#1 Select Your Goal:  I started My Peak Challenge by setting my goal, to participate in my first 5K. Simple enough right? Luckily I have one in my hometown the weekend of the challenge. So I have a date with the Gate! March 14th, 2015 yours truly will be hoofing it through downtown Jacksonville, Florida during the Gate River Run Florida Times Union 5K for Charity http://www.gate-riverrun.com/ <Insert applause here>  A humble start I admit, but considering I have spent the past 20 years virtually vegetative, it’s a good beginning to an entirely new lifestyle. I have my eyes set on reaching my peak and there will be more goals to come. Taking my time about it, aye. Sam, I cannot tell you how timely your challenge is, my life depended on it. I was either going to get busy living this year or get busy dying. Living it is! For each minute it takes me I am giving one dollar to Beat Blood Cancer with a $50 minimum.

#2 Get A Partner: Luckily for me, there are a legion of fans jumping on this crazy train of fitness and mental strength. I had the privilege to meet an equally obsessed, @BAMstrength sister, Jenny Mac, aka @OutlanderI on Twitter. After discovering we live in close proximity, we are now walking together, encouraging one another and generally making life hell for the other. Just kidding Jen, you know I love your support. We call ourselves The Salt Life Sannenachs. Speaking of support, how awesome is F1ght Club and Bear Strength Clothing? Those guys are so sweet and supporting to us Fitness Noobs. They patiently answer all of our modification questions and cheer us along to our peaks. Thanks so much.

#3 Get To It: OK This part was the hardest. Actually overcoming inertia and moving my arse. One small step for man, one giant bounce of the Ta-Tas! Weel, I need some specialty gear here. My 46H bust needs some super support. Did I just share my bra size with the planet? Yes folks they need their own zip code. Self-deprecating humor aside, I think I may have found a beaut of a sports bra.  The Enell Sports bra, sizes 32C-52DD, $64-$66, available at Enell.com This tames the ta-tas like nothing else, a true modern marvel. A little hard to breathe at first, but if women in the 18th century could handle those torture devices called corsets, I can handle some firm compression, so I will suck it up. One side note, I will never attempt a burpee without wearing mine again.